One day, I was searching my name on Google (don’t act like I’m the only one that does that), and I saw some interesting things come up that made a few light bulbs go off in my head. The first thing was my name on some website about rating your doctor. I never filled out […]
Become the Master Scheduler Looking back, I wasn’t a great student in high school or undergrad. I was Valedictorian of my high school and had excellent grades in many challenging courses at UGA, sure, but I wasn’t approaching any of it the right way. Studying marathons followed by a week or so of inactivity followed […]
All of the students I taught in dental anatomy a year ago are studying for Part I Dental Boards right now. Studying for this exam is like trying to drink water from a fire hose. There’s just no way you can cover all of the material as thoroughly as you would like to. You need […]
Congratulations to everyone that is graduating dental school this month. You’ve worked hard and earned the privilege to be called a doctor. While it feels like an ending, it is truly just the beginning. Now is when the fun really starts. Many of you have chosen to do a residency, join the military, or join […]
It’s pretty safe to assume that many of you got involved in dentistry because you have a dentist that you admire. You want to be just like them. Your idea of a successful career and a successful life is partly based on something that you have seen this particular dentist achieve. You’re a goal oriented […]
How Do You Cope with Dental School Debt? Prospective dental students, dental students, and new dentists contact me all the time on Twitter @LarryDougherty. It’s pretty cool! I try to answer their questions as best I can from what I’ve learned and experienced as a dentist. Debt seems to be the biggest thing on every […]
In dental school, it often feels like there’s only one important thing on your mind all of the time, and that’s surviving dental school. Exams, practicals, lectures -it can get overwhelming. There are so many tests the first two years, by the time you hit third year and start seeing patients, you might forget what […]
Three is a magic number in dental school. Everybody knows that. When it comes to studying in dental school, three is the number you should aim for if you want to give yourself the best opportunity for success. Anything you have to read, read it at least three times. Any set of practice test questions […]
Memorizing was never my strength in academics. Before dental school, I was always more about understanding and thinking my way out of a jam. With the amount of multiple choice tests and one word, fill in the blank memory type of tests in dental school, you just can’t reason your way out of something. If […]
Tips to prevent repetitive stress injury during your dental career. Tips and exercised to improve your ergonomics while practicing dentistry.